Researchers have long suspected that bowhead whales keep in touch from far away. New evidence of synchronized diving between ...
On the Pacific Northwest coast—and around the world—community archaeology is helping people reconcile with each other and ...
The ocean feels infinite. If you were to start swimming from shore, it’s easy to believe—fitness and oxygen aside—you could ...
Seabirds are among the most threatened bird groups in the world, with nearly one-third at risk of extinction. In a new study, ...
Aboard the Alkor, a 55-meter oceanographic vessel anchored in the Baltic Sea several kilometers from the German port city of Kiel, engineer Henrik Schönheit grips a joystick-like lever in his fist. He ...
After a nearly 30-year hiatus, Atlantic Canada’s redfish fishery is coming back. But as opening day draws nearer, concerns about its viability are mounting.
The Canadian government and the Ehattesaht First Nation dropped a huge chunk of change trying to save the stranded killer whale kʷiisaḥiʔis (Brave Little Hunter). Now, they’re wondering how to make up ...
The ocean became a dumping ground for weapons after Allied forces defeated the Nazis. Now a team of robots and divers are making the Baltic Sea safer.
Multinational companies funded a US $4.4-million carbon offset project. Senegalese locals did much of the work—and saw almost none of the money.
It took a mountain of data to shake off the skeptics and rewrite the history of human migrations, but archaeologist Tom Dillehay was always interested in so much more than an argument.