One of the best iced coffee makers is not just for the summertime, for some (me included), it's an appliance that can feed a year-round passion. While heading to your favourite coffee shop for an iced ...
Project contains Advance CSS, BEM Architecture, SASS, CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox, CSS animatios, SVG icons and HTML5, Intersection Observer, Smooth Scroll and promo Create, Read, Update & Delete pages.
Perhaps you saw video of that violent encounter last week between Belmar police and a surfer over a badge he either did or didn’t have. That was just the latest incident in a long tradition of ...
Can surfers use New Jersey beaches without paying a beach badge fee? The law is murky on this issue, which also applies to fishermen who go to the beach not to sunbathe, but to toss a line in the sea.
"People were saying leave him alone, his sister was saying he has a badge," Gargiulo said. "It was very violent and I think it's disturbing for us on the beach to see that." Gargiulo said he's ...
JT Group has agreed to buy discount cigarette-maker Vector Group for about ¥348.6 billion ($2.4 billion) to expand in the U.S., changing tack after war closed off its path for growth in Russia.
TOKYO (Reuters) -- Japan Tobacco (JT) agreed to acquire Vector Group, the fourth largest tobacco company in the United States, the Japanese company said on Wednesday, in an equity transaction ...