Enlace Latino NC In collaboration with El Centro Hispano, they will hold the fifth annual Bilingual Electoral Forum with Raleigh mayoral candidates on Thursday, September 19. As p ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More Aunque han mejorado desde la pandemia, los ...
Las fuertes lluvias y las inundaciones repentinas de hoy han provocado importantes deslaves en las carreteras del condado de Brunswick/FB NWS Wilmington Potencial Ciclón Tropical 8 trajo el lunes ...
Las cinco prioridades de los votantes latinos son en gran medida consistentes con los latinos en todo el país A dos meses de las elecciones generales de noviembre del 2024, los resultados de una poll ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More Along with housing costs, inflation, ...
In order to vote in North Carolina, people must be registered to vote. For this reason, if you have just moved to the state, the first step you must take to vote is to register. Each year, more than ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More The 2023 Asheville and Buncombe County ...
Voting by mail is another option available in North Carolina to participate in the electoral process. On Friday, September 20, election boards in North Carolina's 100 counties must submit ballots.
During this month, cultural events, concerts, exhibitions and educational activities are organized throughout the country to highlight the diversity and impact of the Latino community in American/ELNC ...
Rocio Quintero (center) with the team that developed the Buncombe County Language Access Plan, designed to offer public services in multiple languages such as Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian/Courtesy ...
Noticias en español sobre política, inmigración y asuntos comunitarios para los latinos en Carolina del Norte.
Noticias en español sobre política, inmigración y asuntos comunitarios para los latinos en Carolina del Norte.