Boston and Montreal were connected by railroad. The cities celebrated the completion of an interconnecting railroad through Canada and New Hampshire down to Boston with a three-day ...
The body of Tyler lays buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, not far from the gravesite of President James Monroe, ...
Everyone knows the two major players in American politics: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. At all elections ...
Prior to becoming the 13th president, Fillmore practiced law in New York and served eight years in the House of ...
The presidential office was first envisioned to be more like a clerk's job, and in its earliest incarnation, it was almost ...
Tyler was sworn in as Vice-President in March of 1841. He returned to his home in Virginia not expecting to return to ...
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” — ...
Eric and Eliot provide their thumbnail review of the Trump-Harris debate and then welcome their special guest Lindsay ...
Throughout the early days of Arkansas’ statehood leading up to the Civil War, a powerful group of Democrats known as the “The ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...
I ask my political science students, “What is your earliest political memory?” I pose the question to figure out what ...
Gen Z voters hardly remember what came before Trump. Soon it may be harder to remember American politics without them. Susan McWilliams Barndt is a politics professor at Pomona College.