In Summorum Pontificum, the document in which he affirmed the liberty that priests have to say the traditional Latin Mass, he noted that “what earlier generations held as sacred . . . cannot be ...
By this they mean, another pathetic ode to the traditional Latin Mass, that unfailing attractor of curmudgeons and weirdos. It may feel as though accounts of the excellence of that Mass are issued ...
Harkening back to JFK's 1960 run, Catholics are being highlighted as they represent roughly 24% of Pennsylvanians, according ...
In the ashes of the Holy Spirit Catholic Mission, there were charred choir bells and crosses. And still standing was the ...
The agency dispatched spies into assemblies of prayerful worshipers who, in the words of an FBI memo, “prefer the Traditional ...
Latin Mass societies are looking at options to bring the “traditional” style back to Blair and surrounding counties after the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown in July limited “old rite” Masses ...
The boys who sang on Benjamin Britten's historic recording of War Requiem reunite, 61 years later.
One of the recommendations of the first meeting of the Synod on Synodality was to explore ways to improve the quality of ...
Pope Francis has ruffled the feathers of some religious leaders in the United States by saying that all religions provide a ...
The sisters are devoted to the traditional Latin Mass and use the 1962 Monastic Office, with its traditional Gregorian chant, in Latin. The nuns also record chants and have reached the top of ...
The bad guys are getting away with it. Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who won 67% of the popular vote in Venezuela’s presidential ...