Coming October 2 from the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment, a new four-part podcast series about factory farms, ...
In November of that year, AWI named the growing program Animal Welfare Approved and created a logo. The program’s standards were ... or CAFOs (often referred to as “factory farms”). These systems are ...
Billions of animals die each year in factory farms for human consumption. Animals are tortured in factory farms as if they are not living beings and have no response to pain.
Farm fires and how to put them out Virtually all animals raised for meat, dairy, and eggs in the US are raised on factory farms, where thousands to tens of thousands of animals are crammed ...
The rearing of farmed animals today is dominated by industrialized facilities known as concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs (often referred to as “factory farms”) that maximize profits by ...
Exclusive: TV and online ads including video shortlisted for award being probed after string of revelations exposing cruelty at farms and abattoirs ...
In November, voters will weigh in on a proposal to prohibit large poultry and livestock operations, which activists say are factory farms that pollute the environment and mistreat animals with ...
Factory farming is the major culprit as farmed animals are indiscriminately dosed with antibiotics to prop up a cruel system, leading to superbugs that jump to humans and kill. People are ...
Proponents say it keeps meat affordable. But along with taking a heavy toll on animals, there is an environmental price. Factory farms generate greenhouse gasses and other pollution, and require ...
Governments ignore the health consequences of factory farming at our peril. Swine flu and bird flu are just two examples of diseases that started on factory farms and have caused devastating human ...